How to Build a Landing Page that Converts

In many cases, a landing page is the first thing a visitor sees when they’re introduced to your brand, service, or product, after clicking on an ad, an email link, or a search engine result. As a result, landing pages play a key role in converting visitors into customers that return to your website again and again.

But how do you make sure that your landing page captures the attention of your audience while converting them into leads or customers? Here are some key strategies for building a landing page that we’ve found success with. Let’s dive in.

1. Understand Your Audience

Before you even start designing your landing page, it's important to know who your audience is in the first place– and what they’re looking for. Conduct market research by analyzing your existing customers, and create buyer personas. Understanding your audience’s pain points, desires, and behaviors will help you tailor the content and design of the landing page to better meet their needs.

2. Craft a Compelling Headline

Your headline is the first thing visitors will see, so it needs to make a strong impression. It should be clear, concise, and compelling, offering a promise or benefit that addresses the visitor's needs or problems. A good headline entices visitors to stay on the page and learn more about what you’re offering– sort of like the first few lines of your favorite novel. Before setting out to craft a headline of your own, think about headlines that have been particularly effective for you. What drew you in, and made you want to explore more? Bring those elements to the headline on your landing page.

If you’re struggling to write a headline that you feel confident in, there’s no shame in turning to a professional for help. Copywriters are trained to create copy that converts in cases such as these, and will take the task off of your plate.

3. Use Engaging Visuals

People respond strongly to visuals, and your landing page is no different. Your landing page should include high-quality images or videos that are relevant to your product or service while complementing your headline and copy. They’re meant to reinforce the message that your copy delivers, making the page more engaging.

4. Include a Clear Value Proposition

There’s no use in creating a landing page if your customer doesn’t know what to do when they get there. Your landing page should clearly articulate the value of your offer. What makes your product or service different or better than what your competitors offer? This message should be expressed near the top of the page, so visitors understand what you’re offering as soon as their eyes hit the page.

5. Optimize the Copy

Just like an effective headline, good copy is critical for keeping visitors engaged and guiding them towards conversion. Use short, persuasive paragraphs and bullet points to make the information easy to digest. We recommend emphasizing benefits over features, and always keeping the language you use simple and direct.

6. Implement a Strong Call-to-Action (CTA)

The CTA is perhaps the most important element of your landing page. This is what prompts visitors to take action, whether it’s signing up for your newsletter or making a purchase. Your CTA should be prominent and concise, and stand out from the rest of the page with a contrasting color.

7. Test and Optimize

Just because you’ve built your landing page doesn’t mean that you never have to look at it again. In fact, using data about how your visitors are interacting with the landing page is a great way to continue to refine it.

We recommend using A/B testing to try out different versions of your landing page to see what works best. Experiment with different headlines, visuals, CTAs, and layouts, and use analytics to track visitor behavior and conversion rates.

With questions about building an effective landing page, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team of marketing professionals. How else can we help? Take a look at our list of services for more information about collaborating with us.